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The prognosis can vary and some people can live for 10 years or more. However, in others, it can be much more rapid. On average, a third of the patients will die within one year of diagnosis and about half will die within two years of diagnosis. And although there is no cure, it's very important that the symptoms are managed with the aim to give the patient the best quality of life for as long as possible, and the support comes from a range of professionals. The important thing once a patient has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease is to reassure them that they're not on their own, and there's a lot of support services out there for them, between the MND and all the different professionals that will be supporting them, the carers and their families. So, I'd really recommend that anybody working with patients with Motor Neurone Disease make sure that support is in, and support that patient to live the best life they can - look after their emotional well-being as well.